Honored Guest Hosts Finalized | Madhu Bazaz Wangu
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Honored Guest Hosts Finalized

Honored Guest Hosts Finalized

I am delighted to share the complete list of the honored guest-hosts (writers, artists, poets, film makers, editors) who are leading OMWG in 2022!

Jennifer D. Diamond (January)

Deborah Catanese (February)

Lorraine Bonzelet (March)

Gloria Muhly Baer Bostic (April)

Stephanie Keyes (May)

Lisa Hering (June)

Shahrukh Husain (July)

Madhu Bazaz Wangu (August)

Hilary Hauck (September)

Wende Dikec (October)

Jennifer D. Diamond (November)

Fritze Roberts (December)

2022 will the most fascinating year to date. If you are interested in leading the group for a month in 2023 please email or message me. Thank you so much in advance!

With love,


  • Jennifer D. Diamond

    Wonderful, Madhu!

    April 13, 2022 at 11:14 am

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