Day 355, Wednesday, December 25, 2024 | Madhu Bazaz Wangu
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Day 355, Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Day 355, Wednesday, December 25, 2024


Merry Christmas Everyone!


At age forty with a doctoral degree, and at age fifty with a decade of teaching behind me, I still felt I had not yet found my way. More than half of my life had passed, yet I believed that I had not found my calling!

The more I read, the more satiated I felt. At the core of world religions was the lesson that to live a contented and joy-filled life was to live simply and fully. The lesson is simple but difficult to cultivate. Eventually, I developed a regimen of the five practices with which you are by now familiar. They guided me on the path to a mindful living and spirited life. Even at the current phase of my life, I see progress and note areas where I can improve.  

Reading has made me realize that those primordial questions about the universe only beget more questions. There are no definite answers. I have to learn to be satisfied with the unknown, learn to live with the feeling that some questions can never be answered, feel certain in uncertainty. The closest thought parallel to this is one of Buddha’s teachings that the only permanent thing is impermanence. 

The practice has helped me to go within and experience the source of vitality and pure joy. That experience has made me stop asking unanswerable questions. Having experienced this joy, I’m able to recognize others who too have experienced it. Such a person exudes serenity, equanimity, and inner bliss. You realize it is possible for each and every one of us to experience this. Perhaps the pleasures of stillness, compassion, and wisdom derived from the Writing Meditation Practice are closest to everlasting joy.  

Journal Prompt

Have you found the pathway you are searching for? What do you intend to do to find your way? What questions or goals do you have which may bring you closer to yourself?

Today’s Practice

Meditation: “Arriving Home
Read, reflect, and journal.

  • Lorraine

    I’m still searching my way into retirement but have many doors open to me. I’ll take each day and each journey for what it gives. Blessed!!

    December 25, 2024 at 11:33 am
  • Jenn Diamond

    Good afternoon, Madhu! Merry Christmas! Thank you for this message, “ feel certain in uncertainty.” I’m still working on embracing change and finding bliss in each impermanent moment.

    December 25, 2024 at 1:38 pm
  • I’m immersed in certain uncertainty as we renovate a 160 year old home and i feel as though i need to renovate my career. luckily i have some tools to help me muddle though. and good friends. thank you all, here.

    Merry Christmas Madhu and all!

    December 25, 2024 at 7:35 pm

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