Day 360, Monday, December 30, 2024
The final morning of our arduous yet fulfilling, calming, heart-widening year-long journey has arrived. Tomorrow we return to where we started, but with our minds sharpened and hearts wide open. I hope the year provided you perspectives on every significant aspect of your life: physical, emotional, intellectual, creative, and spiritual. It underlined how fundamental regular writing, reading, and spiritual matters are for your well-being, and how important emotional bonds are in familial relations and friendships.
You have finished reading the book. That was the first rough look. Now you may start all over again. From tomorrow, explore the gift of each day as it unfurls, partly as you know and partly in some other way. But one thing is certain – the habits of meditation, journaling, reading, writing, and walking have now become an integral part of your being.
You’ll continue to practice these disciplines for the sake of your well-being. You’ll take a leap of faith to discover what blessings and rewards a second year reveals. Allow yourself to focus attention on the things that you have learned, things that matter to you, so that by the end of the next twelve months, you are wiser and kinder still and continue to strengthen your intentions, making sure they benefit you and make you feel fulfilled.
Be thankful to your heart-mind (Buddhacitta) that nudged you to buy this book of the long journey to grow, learn, and create. As I wrote each day to motivate and encourage you to practice Writing Meditation, I felt myself growing, learning, and creating. My commitment and determination to write for you, dear reader, inspired me to move forward as a writer and deeper inward in my spiritual life. I find your validation for this book to be the reward. It has allowed me to extend the practice in expanding circles. I wish you another fearless, authentic, and productive journey of twelve months.
End of Year Prompt
Ask yourself why you set out on this year-long voyage of self-discovery. What did you gain from this daily adventure? Journal about the fearless, authentic, and productive journey of the next twelve months.
Today’s Practice
Meditation: “Arriving Home”
Read, reflect, and journal.
Jenn Diamond
Good evening, Madhu! I am in awe of your inspiring book! Coming to the end has given me a warm sense of accomplishment! Thank you! I love your words, “From tomorrow, explore the gift of each day as it unfurls, partly as you know and partly in some other way.” I will toast to “the gift of each day” when I ring in the New Year! Namaste
You have inspired me to move forward with my artistic/creative desires, to be aware of the ordinary yet seek deeper meaning all around, to sit in silence and trust the voice of my AS. I’m thankful for this year long journey. Now I see the world and the meaning of my life from a different perspective— a calmer peaceful perspective — and look forward to where this new path leads me.