Being in Nature Archives - Madhu Bazaz Wangu
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Being in Nature

Day 309, Saturday, November 9, 2024

Reflections Good morning friends! Do you know of a friend or an event that relates nature and people? Someone you know who lives in the mountains, near a river or in the woods? If not perhaps today's post inspires you to write a short story about it. Inspiration Natural landscape can absorb you in its majesty, shake you up with its exquisite beauty, and spew you out transformed. This has happened to me over and over again in U.S. National Parks. Many individuals report feeling connected to the sacred through nature. Were you aware that regions with higher levels of natural amenities have lower rates of adherence to religious organizations? Mountains, hills, lakes, beaches, coastlines, forests, and pleasant weather all contribute to the powerful spiritual effects on people’s behavior who live close by. Spiritual relates to...

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Day 308, Friday, November 8, 2024

Reflections The photos included in this post are also featured on the cover of my book, "Images of Indian Goddesses." Such images had triggered the strong emotions while I was researching and writing my doctoral dissertation. I held them in my heart-mind for years. And then when I finally stood mesmerized in front of them all my emotions poured out. INSPIRATIONKali in Himachal While driving in the lower Himalayan Mountains with my husband, we viewed the River Bias as its flow shimmered in the deep valley. The intention of our trip in the state of Himachal Pradesh was to photograph the images of the Indian goddess Kali enshrined in the locally well-known temple. I had seen goddess photos in art history books, describing such local temples, and this one had attracted my...

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Day 307, Thursday, November 7, 2024

Reflections Magnificence of nature and magnificent art, music, dance-drama performances turn me speechless. Words lose their meaning. Coming from a writer, this is a significant declaration. In silence, my eyes well, heart hurts (in a good way) and my ego self dissipates. I merge into what I'm beholding as the matter turns into spirit. The object can be as small as a flower or a bonsai arrangement. Or as marvelous as Michelangelo's David. Inspiration A photograph of a great work of art is the mere memory of the original. In no way can it have the same impact as an in-person encounter. I experienced this when we visited the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence, Italy. I had seen the reproductions of Michelangelo’s marble statue of David, but was clueless about how I would...

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Day 304, Monday, November 4, 2024

Inspiration Seeing There is sheer joy in seeing. Watch nature through the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky, the clouds, the ocean, the river, the waterfall, the lake, the flames, the crackling sparks. Whether you are a child or a ninety-year-old, you can never see anything better. How can one learn to use visual skills to the utmost? Start observing nature and art any day, any time. The details in painting, sculpture, architecture, and crafts will surprise you. Take in the sense of composition, color hues, gradations, and visual balance. See artworks viscerally. There is no logic to what you learn thus but you will begin to appreciate the world around you with new understanding. Whatever style or period of art charms you or touches your heart, keep looking at those works. Let them...

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LOOK WHAT I RECEIVED TODAY! Reader's Favorite 5-star review! Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers’ Favorite Author Madhu Bazaz Wangu, Ph.D., offers a systematic 365-day program in her self-help book Unblock Your Creative Flow: 12 Months of Mindfulness for Writers and Artists. The book aims to increase the creativity and productivity of those in the fields of writing and art. In order to help people reach and maximize their full creative potential. . . This all-encompassing strategy takes into account a person's bodily, mental, and spiritual needs to enable intentional and meaningful living. “An inner journey like this that you have chosen to walk upon demands commitment,” says Dr. Madhu Bazaz Wangu, but I can assure you that Unblock Your Creative Flow rarely feels like a book of self-help chores. Yes, commitment is essential...

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My Mother, !978

Mummai, Happy Mother’s Day!

Mummai, my mother, was the most generous, compassionate and humble individual like the one I still have to meet. In this portrait, I painted her in a sari with a climber with foliage and multi-colored flowers because she spread blooms of generosity and kindness to every place she walked in. The trees in the background with red blossoms and young plants growing in the foreground reflect the love she bestowed on her nine children and then nourished and cared (with help) for the grandchildren while her sons and daughters-in-law were at work. ...

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Available Now!!!

Available Now!

Happy and Healthy Earth Day to All!What an auspicious day to release my new publication, UNBLOCK YOUR CREATIVE FLOW: 12 MONTHS OF MINDFULNESS FOR WRITERS AND ARTISTS! Please follow one of the following links for getting your print and iBook from:  Barnes and Noble: Kobo: website: www.MadhuBazazWangu.comApple Books  If you have already ordered it at Amazon please cancel your pre-sale order. I apologize for any inconvenience it may cause." ...

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Cover Reveal and Pre-order


Unblock Your Creative Flow: 12 Months of Mindfulness for Writers and Artists. RELEASE DAY--April 22. Only a week left! You may buy the book from any of the following outlets: Barnes and Noble: Rakuten Kobo: Smashwords: BookBub: And don't miss what the reviewers are saying about UNBLOCK YOUR CREATIVE FLOW! Excerpts from Readers’ Reviews on Goodreads: "An absolute must . . . The best technical guide on the craft of writing or artistic techniques. Madhu delivers an enlightening, engaging, and achievable practice . . . each day delivers gems of wisdom wrapped in gorgeous prose . . . give yourself the gift of Unblock Your Creative Flow and witness the wondrous things it will guide you to achieve." "UNBLOCK YOUR CREATIVE FLOW . . . should be on every artist’s shelf—a truly comprehensive guide." "Takes on...

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